Recent Developments in Diesel
Combustion Chambers: S. R. Gollahalli, J. of Inst. of
Chartered Engineers (India) 7, 5 (1967).
Evaporation Characteristics of Liquid
Films: S. R. Gollahalli, Eng. News of India, 14, 77
Theoretical Modeling of Combustion
Processes in CI Engines Employing Film Evaporation: S. R. Gollahalli, J.
of Sci. & Ind. Research, 29, 436 (1970).
Evaporation Rates of Liquid
Films: S. R. Gollahalli and K. Narayanaswami, Ind. Journal of
Technology, 9, 149 (1971).
Heat Transfer in Spherical
Chambers: S. R. Gollahalli and K. Narayanaswami, Ind. Journal of
Technology, 10, 394 (1972).
* Experimental Studies on the Flame
Structure in the Wake of a Burning Droplet: S. R. Gollahalli and T. A.
Brzustowski, Fourteenth Symposium (Int) on Combustion, The
Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1333 (1973).
Flame Length in the Wake of a Burning
Hydrocarbon Drop: S. R. Gollahalli and T. A. Brzustowski, Combustion
and Flame, 24, 272 (1975).
The Turbulent Hydrogen Diffusion Flame
in a Cross Wind: T. A. Brzustowski, S. R. Gollahalli, and H. F.
Sullivan, Combustion Science and Technology, 11, 29 (1975).
* The Effect of Pressure on the Flame
Structure in the Wake of a Burning Hydrocarbon Droplet: S. R. Gollahalli
and T. A. Brzustowski, Fifteenth Symposium (Int) on Combustion, The
Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, p. 409 (1975).
Characteristics of a Turbulent Propane
Diffusion Flame in a Cross‑Wind: S. R. Gollahalli, T.
A. Brzustowski, and H. F. Sullivan, C. S. M. E. Transactions, 3,
205 (1975).
Flame Oscillations in the Wake of a
Burning Liquid Drop: S. R. Gollahalli, Canadian Journal of
Chemical Engineering, 53, 459 (1975).
Buoyancy Effects on the Flame Structure
in the Wakes of Burning Liquid Drops: S. R. Gollahalli, Combustion
and Flame, 29, 21 (1977).
Effects of Diluents on the Flame
Structure and Radiation of Propane Jet Flames in a Concentric Stream:
S. R. Gollahalli, Combustion Science and Technology, 115, 147
Aerodynamic and Diluent Effects on the
Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides from Hydrocarbon Diffusion Flames: S. R.
Gollahalli, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 56, 510‑514
Characteristics of Burning Liquid
Sprays with Additional Diluents in the Primary Air Stream: S. R.
Gollahalli, Combustion and Flame, 24, 141‑151 (1979).
An Experimental Study of the Combustion
of Unsupported Drops of Residual Oils and Emulsions: S. R.
Gollahalli, Combustion Science and Technology, 19, 245‑250
Characteristics of Burning Jet A Fuel
and Jet A Fuel‑Water Emulsions: H. Jahani and S. R. Gollahalli, Combustion
and Flame, 37, 145 (1980).
* Combustion of Drops and Sprays of No.
2 Diesel Oil and its Emulsions with Water: S. R. Gollahalli, M. L.
Rasmussen, and S. J. Moussavi, Eighteenth Symposium (Int) on Combustion,
The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, p. 349 (1981).
A Comparative Study of the Flame
Structure of Burning Sprays of No. 2 Oil and SRC‑II Fuel Oils: S. R.
Gollahalli and J. D. Lin, Combustion and Flame, 44, 125‑135
Combustion and Emission Characteristics
of Burning Sprays of Steady Residual Oil Sprays: M. K. Nasrullah, J. H.
Bhashi, and S. R. Gollahalli, Combustion and Flame, 55, 93‑103
Effect of Atomizing Gas on Some
Pollutant Concentrations in a Burning Liquid Spray: N. Siddiqui, S. R.
Gollahalli, and Z. Zhang, Combustion Science and Technology, 38,
p. 105 (1984).
Flame Structure of Attached and Lifted
Jet Flames of Low Calorific Value Gases: S. R. Gollahalli, G. K.
Zadeh, Energy Sources Journal, 8, pp. 43‑65 (1985).
Stability of Lifted Round Gas Jet
Flame: O. Savas and S. R. Gollahalli, Journal of Fluid Mech., 165,
pp. 297‑318 (1986).
Flow Structure in Near-Nozzle Region of
Gas Jet Flames: O. Savas and S. R. Gollahalli, AIAA Journal, Vol.
24, pp. 1137-1140 (1986)
* Structure of Attached and Lifted Gas
Jet Flames in Hysterisis Region: S. R. Gollahalli, O. Savas, R.
Huang, and J. Rodriguez Azara: Twenty‑First Symposium (Int)
on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, pp. 1463‑1471
Ignition Characteristics of Petroleum
and Synthetic Fuel Pools Exposed to External Radiation: M. Malychuk and S.
R. Gollahalli, Combustion Science and Technology, 53, pp. 225‑232
Structure of Split Gas Flame: S.
Shekarchi, O. Savas, and S. R. Gollahalli, Combustion and Flame, 73,
pp. 221‑232 (1988).
Studies on the Combustion of Kerosene‑Water
Emulsions in a Gas Turbine Combustor: Z. Zhang and S. R. Gollahalli, International
Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, Vol. 5, pp. 39‑49 (1988).
Combustion Characteristics of
Interacting Multiple Jets in Cross Flow: R. Menon and S.
R. Gollahalli, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 60, pp.
375‑390 (1988).
Effects of Location and Direction of
Diluent Injection on Radiation and Pollutant, Emissions of a Burning
Spray: R. Puri and S. R. Gollahalli, Journal of Energy Resources
Technology, ASME Transactions, Vol. 111, pp. 16‑21 (1989).
Characteristics of Diluent‑Caused
Lifted Gas Jet Flames: A. Prasad, S. Gundavelli and S.
R. Gollahalli, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 7, No. 4,
July‑Aug. (1991).
Diffusion Flames of Gas Jets Issued
from Circular and Elliptic Nozzles: S. R. Gollahalli, T. Khanna,
and N. Prabhu, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 86,
pp. 267‑288 (1992).
Flame Structure and Pollutant Emission
Characteristics of a Burning Kerosene Spray with Injection of Diluents, S.
R. Gollahalli and R. Puri, Journal of Energy Resources and Technology,
ASME Transactions, Vol. 114, pp. 209-215 (1992).
Heat Generation in Ferrous Metal Piles:
S. R. Gollahalli, J‑E. Francis, and D. Varshney, Emerging Energy Technology
Symposium Proceedings, ASME, Houston, TX, January 1992. Published in ASME
Transactions, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 115, pp.
168-176 (1993).
Effect of Nozzle Orientation on the
Structure and Emissions of Spray Flames: A. V. Madanahalli and S. R.
Gollahalli, Emerging Energy Technology Symposium Proceedings, ASME,
Houston, TX, January 1992. Published in ASME Transactions, Journal of
Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 115, pp. 183-189 (1993).
A Laboratory-Scale Experimental Study
of In-Situ Combustion Processes: M. Hubbard, D. K. Krehbiel and S. R.
Gollahalli, Emerging Technology Symposium, published by ASME, Vol. PD-50,
pp. 177-182, 1993. Published in ASME Transactions, Journal of Energy
Resources Technology, Vol. 116, pp. 169-174 (1994).
Combustion of Microemulsion Sprays: I.
Ahmad and S. R. Gollahalli, Paper No. 93-0131, Thirty-first Aerospace
Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January, 1993. Journal of Propulsion and Power,
Vol. 10. pp. 744-745 (1994).
Interaction of Multiple Liquid Pool
Fires, J. R. Vincent and S. R. Gollahalli, National Heat Transfer
Conference, San Diego, CA, published by ASME HTD, Vol. 199, pp. 107-114,
1992. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 117, pp. 37-42
Nitric Oxide Emission From Pulverized
Coal Blends: V. Kopparthi and S. R. Gollahalli, ETCE, New Orleans,
Emerging Technology Symposium, published by ASME, Vol. PD-57, pp. 107-116,
1994. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 117, pp. 228-234,
Burner Wake Stabilized Gas Jet Flames
in Cross-Flow: S. R. Gollahalli and B. Nanjundappa, Combustion Science
and Technology, Vol. 109, pp. 327-346, (1995).
Application of Elliptical Primary-Air
Inlet Geometries in the Inshot Burners of Residential Gas Furnaces, P.
Kolluri, A. Kamal, and S. R. Gollahalli, Emerging Technology Symposium,
published by ASME, Vol. PD-50, pp. 55-64, 1993. Journal of Energy
Resources Technology, Vol. 118, pp. 58-64, (1996).
Lift-off Characteristics and Flame Base
Structure of Coal-Seeded Gas Jet Flames: S. R. Gollahalli, A. Prasad, and
S. Gundavelli, Journal of Power and Energy ,U.K. Institution
of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 210, pp. 373-382, (1996).
Partially premixed Laminar Gas Flames
from Triangular Burners: S. R. Gollahalli and Samir Subba, Paper No. AIAA
96-0285, 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, 1996 Journal of
Propulsion and Power , Vol. 13, pp. 226-232, (1997).
The Effect of Injection Rate of Gaseous
Additives into the Flame on the Characteristics of Liquid Sprays: R. Puri
and S. R. Gollahalli, International Symposium on Advanced Energy Conversion
System and Related Technologies, Nagoya University, Japan, December
1995, Proceedings pp. 739-746, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management
, Vol.
38, No. 10-13, pp. 1073-1081, (1997).
Turbulence Characteristics in the Flow
Field of a Nonpremixed Gas Jet Flame in Cross- Flow: O. Savas, R. F. Huang,
, and S. R. Gollahalli, Emerging Energy Technology Symposium, Journal
of Energy Resources Technology , Vol. 119, pp. 137-144 (1997).
Effects of Heating on Two-Dimensional
Mixing Layers: N. Butuk and S. R. Gollahalli, ETCE/Energy Week-1996,
Houston, TX, Pennwell Publications, Vol. VII, pp. 135-139, (1996)., Journal
of Energy Resources Technology,
Vol. 119, pp. 180-183 (1997).
Jet Flames from Noncircular Burners: S.
R. Gollahalli, Sadhana, Journal of Indian Academy of Sciences, Vol.
22, part 3, pp. 369-382, (1997).
Three-Dimensional Rainbow Schlieren
Tomography for Measurements of Temperature in an Inclined heated Air jet:
A.K.Agrawal, N.K.Butuk, S.R.Gollahalli, and D.Griffin, Applied
Optics, Vol. 37, pp. 479-485, (1998)
Application of Rainbow Schlieren
Imaging Technique for Concentration Measurements in an Axisymmetric Helium
Jet, K. Al-Ammar, A.K.Agrawal, S.R.Gollahalli, and D.Griffin, Experiments
in Fluids, Vol. 25, pp. 89-95, (1998).
Effect of Flame Lift-off on the
Differences Between the Diffusion Flames From Circular and Elliptic
Burners: S.R.Gollahalli,
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 120,
pp. 161-166, (1998).
Quantitative Evaluation of Flow
Computations by Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry: A.K. Shenoy, A.K.Agrawal,
and S.R.Gollahalli, AIAA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 11, pp. 1953-1960,
Extinguishment Characteristics of Liquid
Heptane and Gaseous Propane Diffusion Flames: M. Babb, S.R.Gollahalli, and
C.M.Sliepcevich, Journal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 15, NO.
2, pp 260-265 (1999)
Effects of Buoyancy on Steady Hydrogen
Gas-Jet Diffusion Flames: A. K. Agrawal, S. M. Cherry, and S. R.Gollahalli,
Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 140, pp. 51-68, 1998,
Printed in May (1999).
Combustion Characteristics of Gas Jet
Diffusion Flames Enveloped by A Cascade of Venturis: A. Qubbaj and S.R.
Gollahalli, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 143, pp.
Flow Measurements in a Curved-Wall
Annular Contraction: A. K. Agrawal, A. Tinnetti, and S. R. Gollahalli, J.
of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power; Vol. 121 October (1999)
Combustion Characteristics of
Hydrogen-Hydrocarbon Hybrid Fuels: A. Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli , International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol., pp. 1--11 (2000)
Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements
of Radical Concentrations in Hydrogen-Hydrocarbon hybrid Gas Fuel Flames,
A. R. Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli, International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy, Vol. 25, pp. 1119-1127 (2000)
Effects of Ambient Pressure and Burner
Scaling on Flame Structure of Hydrogen Jet Flames in Cross-Flow, A. R.
Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
Vol. 25, pp. 1107-1118, (2000)
Quantitative Measurements of Laminar
Hydrogen Gas-Jet Diffusion Flames in 2.2s Drop Tower, K. N. Al Ammar, A.K.
Agrawal, and S. R. Gollahalli ;
28th Symposium (International) on Combustion, Edinburgh,
Scotland, August 1-4, 2000 (Considered
as a journal publication b the International Combustion Institute)
Vol. 28, pp. 1997-2004 (2000)
Ambient Pressure Effects on the Flame
Geometry and Structure of Gas Jet Flames in Cross-Flow, A. R. Choudhuri and
S. R. Gollahalli, J. Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 163-168
Effects of Jet Reynolds Number on the
Performance of Axisymmetric and Nonaxisymmetric Flames: A. Kamal and S. R.
Gollahalli, J. Energy Resource Technology, Vol. 123, pp. 167-172
Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements
in Venturi-Cascaded Propane Gas Jet Flames: A. R. Qubbaj and S. R.
Gollahalli, J. Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 123, pp. 158-166 (2001)
Effect of Inter-Jet Spacing on Burning
Multiple Sprays :K. Parvez and S. R. Gollahalli, J. Propulsion and Power
Vol. 17, N0. 1, pp. 169-175 (2001)
Effects of Elliptic Co-Flow on the
Structure of A Turbulent Diffusion Flame, Luna Parveen Sayela, Ahsan R.
Choudhuri, and S. R. Gollahalli, J. Propulsion and Power , Volume 18, No.
3, pp. 686-695 May-June (2002)
Comparison of the Flame Characteristics
of Circular and Elliptic Jets in a Crossflow: S. R. Gollahalli and D.
Pardiwalla, J. Energy Res. Techn. , Volume 124, No. 3, pp. 197-203, 2002.
Application of Rainbow Schlieren
Deflectometry to Measure Temperature and Oxygen Concentration in a Laminar
Gas-Jet Diffusion Flame, K. N. Alammar, A.K. Agrawal, and S. R. Gollahalli,
Experiments in Fluids, Volume 32, pp. 689-691, 2002.
Pilot Flame Effects on Gas Jet Flames
in Cross-Flow, S. F. Goh and S. R. Gollahalli, J. Propulsion and Power,
Volume 18, No. 5, pp.1068-1075,
Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements
of Radical Concentrations in Hydrogen-Hydrocarbon Hybrid Gas Fuel Flames,
Ahsan R. Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy , Vol 28,
No. 4 pp. 445-454, 2003.
Stability of Hydrogen-Hydrocarbon
Blended Fuel Diffusion Flames, A. R. Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli, J.
Propulsion and Power, Vol. 19, No. 2, March-April, 2003.
Effects of Jet Dilution and Co-Flow on
Sooting and Emission Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Fuels, S. F. Goh, S.
Kusadome, and S. R. Gollahalli, International Journal on Energy for a Clean
Environment, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp- 285-302., 2003.
Intermediate Radical Concentrations in
Hydrogen-Natural Gas Fuel Jet Flames, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 29, 1293-1302, 2004.
Sooting Characterstics of
Propylene-Hydrogen Mixture Diffusion with Diluent Addition Near Smoke
Point, S. F. Goh and S. R. Gollahalli, Journal of Propulsion and Power, vol
21, No. 4, July-August 2005.
Trajectory and Characteristics of
Buoyancy and Momentum Dominated Horizontal Jet Flames from Circular and
Elliptic Burners, Tracy Smith, Chendhil Periasamy, Benjamin Baird, and S.
R. Gollahalli, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol.128, pp.300-310,
Dec 2006.
Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Imaging of OH and CH Radical Concentrations in Natural Gas-Air Diffusion
Flames, A. Aref and S. R. Gollahalli, Port Said Engineering Research
Journal, Suez Canal University, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 1-12, 2006
Hydroxyl Radical Concentration
Measurements in Non-premixed Hydrogen-Air Flames, A. Aref and S. R.
Gollahalli, Port Said Engineering Research Journal, Suez Canal University,
Vol. 10, No.2, pp.13-21, 2006
Bubble formation from a Free Standing
Tube in Microgravity, J. Carrera, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R.
Gollahalli, Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 61, pp. 7007-7018., 2006.
An Experimental Evaluation of
Evaporation Enhancement with Porous Media in Liquid-Fueled Burners,
Chendhil Periasamy, Sathish K. Sankara, and S. R. Gollahalli, Journal of
Porous Media, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 137-150, 2007.
Effects of Elliptic Burner Geometry and
Air Equivalence ratio on the Nitric Oxide Emissions from Turbulent Hydrogen
Flames, P. Hariharan, C. Periasamy, and S. R. Gollahalli, International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 32, pp1095-1102, 2007.
Flame Extinction Limits of H2-CO
Blends, A.R. Choudhuri, M. Subramanya, and S. R. Gollahalli, Journal of
Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, May 2008, Vol. 130/ 031501-1.
80. Rapid Characterization of Radiation and
Pollutant Emissions of Biodiesel and Hydrocarbon Liquid Fuels, N. D. Love,
R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, J. Energy Res Tech, March 2009,
Vol. 131, Paper 011202-7
81. Effect of Iodine Number on NOx Formation
in Laminar Flames of Oxygenated
Biofuels, N. D. Love, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli,
International Journal of Green Energy, Vol 6, No.4 pp. 323-332, 2009-- DOI:
82. Performance and Emission Characteristics
of Biofuel in a Small-Scale Gas Turbine Engine: Zehra Habib, Ramkumar
Parthasarathy, and Subramanyam
Gollahalli, J. Applied Energy, DOI:
10.1016/jAppenergy.2009.10.024; Vol. 87, 2010, pp. 1701-1709.
83. Numerical Modeling of Evaporation
Enhancement of Aviation Grade Kerosene in Porous Media Combustors, C.
Periasamy and S. R. Gollahalli, J. Porous Media , Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 2010.
84. Flare Experimental Modeling: Chendhil
Periasamy and Subramanyam R. Gollahalli , Chapter 29, in the Book
edited by Charles Baukal, Taylor and Francis Publications , Pages 573-503.
85. Atomization and Combustion of Canola
Methyl Ester Biofuel Spray, J. Erazo, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R.
Gollahalli, J. Fuel, Vol. 89, pp.
3735-3741, 2010.
86. Concentration Measurements of CH and OH
Radicals in Laminar Biofuel Flames, International Journal of Green Energy,
N. D. Love, R. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp.
113-119., 2011.
87. Combustion Properties of
Partially-Premixed Flames of Canola Methyl Ester and Diesel Blends, N.
Dhamale, R. Parthasarathy and S. R. Gollahalli, J. Combustion, Vol. 2011,
13 pages, DOI: 10.1155/2011/697805.
88. Experimental Investigation of Kerosene
Spray Flames in inert Porous Media Near Lean Extinction, C. Periasamy
and S. R. Gollahalli, Energy and
Fuels, American Chemical Society Publication, DOI: 10.1021/ef1016076, 2011.
89. Algae, Canola or Palm Oils-Diesel
Microemulsion Fuels: Phase Behaviors, Viscosity and Combustion Properties,
L. Do, V. Singh, L. Chen, T. Kibbey, S. R. Gollahalli, D. Sabatini,
International Journal of Green Energy, IJGE -2011-0040 ,Vol. 8:7,
pp-748-767, (DOI: 10.1080/15435075.2011.600374), 2011.
90. Effects of Fuel Injection Timing in the
Combustion of Biofuels in a Diesel Engine, A. Sequera, R. N. Parthasarathy,
and S. R. Gollahalli, Journal of Energy Resources Technology,(ASME),
Vol.133, issue 2,2011, pp.022203-07 doi: 10.1115/1.4003808
91. Combustion Characteristics of Biofuels in
Porous-Media Burners at an Equivalence Ratio of 0.8, Pablo E. Barajas, R.
N. Parthasarathy and S. R. Gollahalli, J. Energy Res. Tech, Vol. 134, pp.
021004-1-021004-5, 2012
92. Laminar Flame Speed of Soy and Canola
Biofuels, J.G. Meyer, S. R. Gollahalli, R. N. Parthasarathy, and J Quiroga, Cienta Technolgia Futura (CT
and F) Vol. 4, Number 5. pp. 76-82, , June 2012.
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Conference papers
Preliminary Model Studies on the Flame
Height and Heat Transfer from a Ground Fire in the Lee of a Tree: S.
R. Gollahalli and T. A. Brzustowski, Proceedings of the First National Heat
and Mass Transfer Conference, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,
India, HMT‑21‑17 (1972).
Experimental Studies on Turbulent
Hydrocarbon Diffusion Flames in Crosswind: T. A. Brzustowski, S. R.
Gollahalli, and H. F. Sullivan, Proceedings of Second European Symp. on
Combustion, p. 739 (1975).
Radiant Heating from Flares: T.
A. Brzustowski, S. R. Gollahalli, M. Gupta, M. Kaptein,
and H. F. Sullivan, A. S. M. E. Paper, 75‑HT‑4 (1975).
Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from
Hydrocarbon Diffusion Flames in Concentric and Cross‑Flow Streams: S.
R. Gollahalli, Recent Advances in Engineering Science, ed. G. C. Sih,
Lehigh University Press, p. 531 (1977).
Composition Structure of Burning Sprays
of Jet A Fuel and its Emulsions with Water: S. R. Gollahalli and S. H.
Javadi, 25th International Gas Turbine Conference, ASME Paper, 80‑GT‑57
Performance and Emission
Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Burning Diesel Fuel and its Emulsions
with Water, Methanol, and Ethanol: AN Khan and S. R. Gollahalli, SAE
National Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Tulsa, OK, Oct. 1981.
Published in the Book SP‑503, ed., L. S. Bernstein by SAE (1981).
Flame Characteristics of Burning Sprays
of Coal‑Distillate Oil Slurries: S. R. Gollahalli and K.
B. Ghasrachmi, ASME Winter Annual Meeting (1982). ASME
Paper 82‑WA‑83.
Combustion of Low Calorific‑Value Gas
Jets in a Cross‑Flow: B. Bhatti, L. B. Sehgal, and S.
R. Gollahalli, Sixteenth Southeastern Thermal Sciences Symposium,
Miami, 1981, published by Hemisphere Publications, Washington, DC, Vol. 2,
pp. 847-863 (1983).
Effects of Diluents in the Atomization
Gas Stream on the Flame Structure and Soot Concentration of Synthetic Fuel
Sprays: S. R. Gollahalli and V. Beach, Synthetic Fuels Symposium,
Houston, (ASME Paper 83/PET‑2, 1983); published in the book, Technical
Economics, Synfuels and Coal Energy Symposium, ed. J. B. Dicks, pp. 5‑12
Combustion of Drops and Transient
Sprays of Heavy Residual Oils and Their Emulsions: S. R. Gollahalli
and M. Salek, 15th CIMAC (International Congress on Combustion Engines),
Paris, France, Proceedings ‑ Vol. 2, pp. 5-20, (1983).
Emission of Oxides of Sulfur and
Nitrogen in Synthetic Fuel Flames: N. Siddiqui, Z. Zhiren, and S. R.
Gollahalli, Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Feb.
1984, published in the book, Technical Economics, Synfuels and Coal Energy
Symposium, ed., J. B. Dicks, pp. 57‑64 (1984).
An Experimental Study of the Burning
Sprays of an Unstabilized Synthetic Fuel‑Water Emulsions: S. R.
Gollahalli and N. Siddiqui, American Flame Research Committee Symposium
(Int), published in Proceedings, pp. 1.3.1‑1.3.11 (1984).
An Experimental Study of the
Characteristics of Shale Oil Spray Flames: S. R. Gollahalli and N.
Siddiqui, Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, published in
Synfuel and Coal Energy Symposium, ed., J. B. Dicks, ASME publication
Multiple‑Jet Gas Flames in Still
Air: R. Menon and S. R. Gollahalli, 23rd ASME/AIChE National Heat
Transfer Conf., published in "Heat Transfer in Fire and Combustion
Systems", ed., C. K. Law, ASME, Vol.‑HTD‑45, pp. 127‑133 (1985).
Effects of Interspersed Air and Inert
Jets on the Structure of Gas Diffusion Flames: P. Kandiah and S.
R. Gollahalli, 1987 ETCE (Int), published in Technical Economics, Synfuels
and Coal Energy, PD Vol. 8, ASME Publication, pp. 11‑17 (1987).
Effects of Emulsification of Methanol
with Diesel Fuel on the Performance of a Multicylinder CI Engine: G.
Satyanarayana and S. R. Gollahalli, published as ASME‑Pet‑2 (1987).
Effects of the Location of Inert Jets
Interacting with Propane Jets on its Flame Structures: D. J. Burke and
S. R. Gollahalli, published in Tech. Economics, Synfuels and Coal Energy
Symposium, (Ed.) J. B. Dicks, ASME, Vol. PD‑16, pp. 17‑24 (1988).
Sensitivity of the Performance and
Emissions of a Diesel Engine to the Water Content in Alcohol‑Diesel
Emulsified Fuels: G. K. Atluri and S. R. Gollahalli, published in
Tech., Economics, Synfuels, and Coal Energy Symposium, (Ed.) J. B. Dicks,
ASME, Vol. PD‑16, pp. 1‑4 (1988).
Effects of Test Conditions on the
Ignition of Petroleum and Synthetic Fuel Pools: M. Malychuk and S. R.
Gollahalli, ETCE, Published in Tech. Economics, Synfuels, and Coal Energy
Symposium, (Ed.), J. B. Dicks, ASME Vol. PD‑21, pp. 13‑18 (1989).
Effects of Diluent Flow Rate on the
Characteristics of Burning Liquid Sprays: R. Puri and S.
R. Gollahalli, ETCE, published in First Fossil Fuel Combustion
Symposium, (Ed.), N. Singh, ASME, Vol. PD 25, pp. 13‑18 (1989).
Effect of Coal Rank on the Stability
Characteristics of Coal‑Seeded Gas Jet Flames: A. Prasad, S.
Gundavelli, and S. R. Gollahalli, Emerging Energy Technology Symposium,
Energy Conference, New Orleans, ASME Paper 90‑PET‑12 (1990).
Differences in the Structure of Lifted
Gas Jet Flames with Laminar Base over Circular and Elliptic Nozzles:
S. R. Gollahalli and N. Prabhu, Emerging Energy Technology Symposium,
Energy Conference, New Orleans, ASME Paper 90‑PET‑14 (1990).
Effect of Diluent Type on the Structure
and Emissions of Liquid Spray Flames: R. Puri and S.
R. Gollahalli, Fossil Fuel Combustion Symposium Proceedings,
(Ed.) N. Singh, ASME Publication PD‑Vol‑30, pp. 99‑104 (1990).
A Laboratory‑Scale Study of Sulfur
Dioxide Emission from Combustion of Pulverized Coal Blends: S. P.
Sathyaraj and S. R. Gollahalli, Proceedings of the Emerging Energy
Technology Symposium, published by ASME, Vol. 36, pp. 7‑14 (1991).
A Laboratory‑Scale Study of Sulfur
Dioxide Emission from Combustion of Pulverized Coal Blends: S. P.
Sathyaraj and S. R. Gollahalli, Proceedings of the Emerging Energy
Technology Symposium, published by ASME, Vol. 36, pp. 7‑14 (1991).
Effects of Aspect Ratio on Combustion
Characteristics of Elliptic Nozzle Flames: S. R. Gollahalli and N.
Prabhu, Proceedings of the Emerging Energy Technology Symposium, published
by ASME, Vol. 36, pp. 51‑56 (1991).
A Theoretical Model to Predict the
Characteristics of a Turbulent Gas Diffusion Flame, Proceedings of the
Fossil Fuel Combustion Symposium, published by ASME, Vol. 33, pp. 105‑110
Microstructural Properties of the Fly
Ashes of Oklahoma and Wyoming Coals: J. G. Laguros and S. R. Gollahalli,
Proceedings of Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, Vol. 245,
pp. 19-24, 1992.
Flow Field in the Near-Burner Region of
a Partially Lifted Turbulent Gas Jet Flame in Cross-Flow, R. F. Huang, O.
Savas, and S. R. Gollahalli, Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, published
by ASME HTD, Vol. 223, pp. 105-110 (1992).
Effects of Noncircular Fuel Nozzles on
the Pollutant Emission Characteristics of Natural Gas Burners for
Residential Furnaces, A. Kamal and S. R. Gollahalli, published by ASME,
Vol. FACT 17, pp. 41-50.1 (1993).
Effect of Jet Velocity on Radiation
Characteristics of a Laminar Natural Gas Jet Flame, M. J. Hubbard and S. R.
Gollahalli, International Joint Power Generation Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
ASME Vol. FACT-18, pp. 23-30 (1994).
An Experimental Study of the Lift-off
Characteristics of a Liquid Spray Flame: K. Parvez and S. R. Gollahalli,
ETCE, New Orleans, Emerging Technology Symposium, published by ASME, Vol.
PD-57, pp. 77-84 (1994).
An Experimental Study of the Lift-off
Characteristics of a Liquid Spray Flame: K. Parvez and S. R. Gollahalli,
ETCE, New Orleans, Emerging Technology Symposium, published by ASME, Vol.
PD-57, pp. 77-84 (1994).
Turbulent Gas jet Flames in Cross-Flow
at Low-Momentum Flux Ratios: B. Nanjundappa and S. R. Gollahalli,
International Gas Turbine Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, ASME Paper
No. 94GT-442, June (1994).
Effects of Inlet Diameter and Fillet
Radius of Venturi on Combustion Characteristics of Inshot Burners: A. V.
Rao and S. R. Gollahalli, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, ASME Vol. HTD 296,
pp. 127-135 (1994).
Effects of Secondary-Air Swirling on
the Lift-off and Combustion Characteristics of a Burning Jet-A Fuel Spray,
Emerging Energy Technology Symposium, ASME Vol. PD 66, pp. 1-10, 1995.
Flame Structure and Pollutant Emission
Characteristics of Noncircular Laminar Gas jets: Samir Subba and S. R.
Gollahalli, Third Asian Pacific International Symposium on
Combustion, Hong Kong, pp. 50-55 December, (1995).
Effects of Additives to Secondary Air
on Characteristics of Liquid Spray Flames: A. Aref and S. R. Gollahalli,
The International Conference on the Advances in Mechanical Engineering,
Bangalore, India, Proceedings, Ed: T. S. Mruthyunjaya, Vol. II; pp.
1819-1820. Narosa Press, New Delhi, December (1996).
Turbulent Lifted Flames From Elliptic
Nozzles: S. R. Gollahalli: ETCE/Energy Week-1996, Houston, Vol. VII
pp. 16-23, (1996).
Effect of Venturi Length on Combustion
Characteristics of Inshot Burners: A. V. Rao and S. R. Gollahalli, 31st
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C.,
Vol. 4., pp. 2203-2208, (1996).
Numerical Analysis of the Near-Nozzle
Structure of Gas Jet Flames from Circular and Rectangular Nozzles: A. Kamal
and S. R. Gollahalli, International Joint Power Generation Conference,
Houston, Texas, October 13-17, 1996,
ASME FACT Vol. 21, pp. 273-279, 1996.
Emission Control from Cascade Burners:
S. R. Gollahalli and E. A. Wright, International Joint Power Generation
Conference, Houston, Texas, October 13-17, 1996, ASME FACT Vol. 21,
pp. 325-331, 1996
Flame Propagation in Co-Fired Mixtures
of Natural Gas, Sinai Coal, and Egyptian Bio-mass Fuels: S. R. Gollahalli,
S. Thenappan, and A. Aref, Proceedings of the Ninth International
Conference on Mechanical Power Engineering, Shebin El-Kom Egypt, December
21-23, 1996, Menoufia University Press, pp. C6-1 toC6-12, 1996.
Effects of Ambient Oxygen Concentration
on the Radiative and Pollutant Emission Characteristics of Laminar Natural
Gas Jet Flames, M. J. Hubbard and S. R. Gollahalli, Eighth International
Symposium on Transport Phenomena on Combustion, San Francisco, Proceedings,
July, 1995, Editor: S. H.Chan, Vol. I pp. 360-379, Taylor and Francis
Publications, (1996).
Extinguishment of Liquid-Heptane and
Gaseous Propane Diffusion Flames in a Co-Flowing Stream of Air: M. Babb, S.
R. Gollahalli, and C. M. Sliepcevich, 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting,
Reno, Nevada, Paper No. AIAA 97-0267, 1997.
Structure of Modulated Plane Shear
layers: S. R. Gollahalli and N. Butuk., Fifth Pan American Congress on
Applied Mechanics, San Juan, Puerto-Rico, Jan 1997. Published in
Applied Mechanics in Americas, Vol. 5 Editors: M. Rysz, L.Godoy, and
L.E.Suarez, The University of Iowa Press, pp. 13-16, 1997.
Partially-Premixed Laminar Jet Flames
from Star-shaped Nozzles: S. Gollahalli, 1977 Energy Week Conference, Jan
28-30, 1997, Houston, TX, Book V, Vol. IV, PennWell Publishers, pp.
248-255, 1997.
Characteristics of LNG sprays in a
Quiescent Medium: S. Peters, A. Smith, R. Parthasarathy, and S. R.
Gollahalli, 1997 Energy Week Conference, Houston, TX, Jan-Feb. 1997, Book
V, Vol. IV, PennWell Publishers, pp. 400-407, 1997.
Flame Propagation in Co-Fired
Coal-Natural Gas Mixtures: S.Thenappan and S.R.Gollahalli, Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 1997,
Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 955-961, 1997.
An Investigation of Combustion of
Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels in Homogeneous Mixtures of Fuel and Air: Attia
Aref and S. R. Gollahalli, 7th International Conference on Liquid
Atomization and Spray Systems, (ICLASS-’97) August 18-22, Seoul, Korea,
Structure of Laminar Diffusion
Flames of Fuel Gas Mixtures : Ahsan Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli,
International Joint Power Generation Conference, Denver, Colorado, October
1997, ASME-FACT, 1997, Vol. 1, pp. 309- 318, 1997.
Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements
of Radical Concentrations in Hybrid Gas Fuel Flames: Ahsan Choudhuri and S.
R. Gollahalli, International Joint Power Generation Conference, Denver,
Colorado, October 1997, ASME-FACT, Vol. 1, pp. 489- 496, 1997.
Extinguishment Characteristics of
Buoyant Liquid and Gas Diffusion Flames with Physical and Chemical Agents:
M.Babb, S.R. Gollahalli, and C. M.Sliepcevich, International Mechanical
Engineering Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX November 1997, ASME Vol. HTD
352, pp. 65-72, 1997.
Comparison of Near-Burner
Structure of in H2-CNG and H2-Propane Hybrid Fuel Diffusion Flames in
Air : Ahsan Choudhuri and S.R. Gollahalli : 36th Aerospace Sciences meeting, Reno,
Nevada, Paper No. AIAA 98-0266, 1998
Optimization of Venturi-Cascade
Enveloped Burners: Ala Qubbaj and S. R.Gollahalli, ASME Energy Technology
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, Jan-Feb 1998, ASME Paper
ETCE98-4721, 1998
Liquid Natural Sprays Injected in Air
Co-Flow: R. N. Parthasarathy and S.R.Gollahalli, ASME Energy Technology
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX Jan-Feb 1998, ASME Paper
ETCE98-4730, 1998.
Effect of Venturi Mounting Height on
Combustion Characteristics of Inshot Burners: Ashwin Rao and S. R.
Gollahalli, ASME Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston,
TX Jan-Feb 1998, ASME Paper ETCE98-4719, 1998.
Structure of Shear Layer with Coal
Particles in One of the Streams: S. R. Gollahalli and N. Butuk, ASME Energy
Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX Jan-Feb 1998, ASME
Paper ETCE98-4720, 1998.
Combustion Characteristics of
Hydrogen-Propane Mixtures: A.Choudhuri and S. R.Gollahalli, 215th
American ChemicalSociety Meeting, Dallas,Texas, March 29-April 2, 1998. Division
of Fuels Chemistry Preprints, pp. 107-112, 1998.
Flow Development in an Annular
Contraction, A. K. Agrawal, A.Tinnetti, and S. R.Gollahalli: International
Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, Sockholm, Sweden,
June2-5, 1998, ASME Paper 98-GT-306, 1998.
Flow Characteristics of an Annular
Intercooler-Diffuser for Gas Turbines: A. K. Agrawal, A.Tinnetti, and S.
R.Gollahalli, International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and
Exposition, Sockholm, Sweden, June2-5, 1998, ASME Paper 98-GT-283, 1998.
Characteristics of Shear Layers with
Pyrolysisng Coal Particles in One of the Streams, S. R.Gollahalli and N.
Butuk, International Joint Power GenerationConference, Baltimore, MD,
August 23-26, 1998, ASME Vol. FACT 22, pp. 177-184, 1998.
Effect of Inter-Jet Spacing on Burning
Multiple Sprays :K. Parvez and S. R. Gollahalli, 37th Aerospace Sciences
Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 1999. Paper No. AIAA 99-0460
Flame Structure and Pollutant Emission
Characteristics of Noncircular Laminar Gas Jet Diffusion Flames: S. R.
Gollahalli, Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas,
January-February 1999. Paper No. ETCE99-6697
Structure of Shear-Layer with Burnig
Coal particles in One of the Streams: Nelson Butuk and S. R. Gollahalli,
Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas,
January-February 1999. Paper No. ETCE99-6710
Synergistic Extinguishment
Characteristics of Physical and Chemical Agents on Buoyant Liquid and Gas
Flames: Michael Babb, S. R. Gollahalli, and C. M. Sliepcevich, Energy
Technology Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, January-February
1999. Paper No. ETCE99-6695
Combustion Characteristics of Multiple
Liquid Sprays, K. Parvez and S. R. Gollahalli, International Conference on
Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, East Mediteranian
University, North
Cyprus, April 26-29, 1999. Proceedings pp. 398-406.
A Numerical Simulation of Gas Jet
Diffusion Flames Enveloped by A Cascade of Venturis: A. R. Qubbaj, and S.
R. Gollahalli, Presented in ASME Computers and Information in Engineering
Conference, September 12-15, 1999, Las Vegas, Nevada, ASME Paper No.
Effects of Jet Reynolds Number on the
Performance of Axisymmetric and Nonaxisymmetric Flames: A. Kamal and S. R.
Gollahalli, Presented in ASME Computers and Information in Engineering
Conference, September 12-15, 1999, Las Vegas, Nevada, ASME Paper No.
Effects of Jet Reynolds Number on the
Performance of Axisymmetric and Nonaxisymmetric Flames: A. Kamal and S. R.
Gollahalli, Presented in ASME Computers and Information in Engineering
Conference, September 12-15, 1999, Las Vegas, Nevada, ASME Paper No.
Effect of Pilot Flame Stabilization on
Gas Jet Flames in a Cross-Flow: Sien Goh and S. R. Gollahalli, 38th
Aerospace Sciences meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 10-13, 2000.
AIAA Paper No. 2000-0592.
The Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon
Sprays in Homogeneous Mixtures of Fuel and Air,: A. AREF and S. R.
Gollahalli, Eleventh International Mechanical Power Engineering
Conference, Cairo, February 5-7, 2000., Paper No. 2000219, Proceedings,
C-166-C178., 2000
An Experimental and Numerical Study of
Intermediate Radical Concentrations in Hydrogen-Hydrocarbon Hybrid Fuel-Jet
Flames: A. R. Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli, Energy Technology
Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 14-17,
Numerical Modeling of the Flow-Field of
a Burning Gas Jet in a Venturi-Cascade Burner: A. R. Qubbaj, S.
R.Gollahalli, and H. Mahdi, Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition,
New Orleans, Louisiana, February 14-17, 2000.
Measurement of OH Concentrations in
Turbulent Diffusion Flames Using Combined LIF and
Raman Spectroscopy: A.R. Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli, Intersociety
Energy Conversion and
Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, July 24-27, 2000, AIAA Paper
Emissions and Efficiency of a
Spark-Ignition Engine Fueled with a Natural gas and Propane Mixture: B.
Baird and S.R. Gollahalli, International Joint PropulsionConference,
Miami, FL., July 23-26. 2000, ASME Paper No.
Effects of Isothermal Mixing on the
Stability of Hydrogen-Hydrocarbon Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames: A. R.
Choudhuri and S.R. Gollahalli, International Joint Propulsion
Conference, Miami, FL. July 23-26. 2000, ASME Paper No. IJPGC2000-15022
Comparison of the Flame Characteristics
of Circular and Elliptic Jets in a Crossflow: S. R. Gollahalli and D.
Pardiwalla, Presented in the International Mechanical Engineering Conference
and Exhibition, Orlando, FL., November 5-8, 2000, ASME, FACT Vol. 23, Ed:
C. Presser and A. K. Gupta, pp. 3-8, 2000.
Study of Micro-Nozzle Flows: A.
Choudhuri, B. Baird, S. R. Gollahalli, (Univ. of Oklahoma) and S. Schneider
(NASA Glenn Research Center), Propulsion Engineering Research Center
Conference, Cleveland, OH, October 2000.
Effects of Elliptic Co-Flow on the
Structure of A Turbulent Diffusion Flame, Luna Parveen Sayela, A.hsan R.
Choudhuri, and S. R. Gollahalli, 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and
Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 8-11, 2001, AIAA Paper No. 2001-0977.
Flow Characteristics of Micro-Nozzles,
Ahsan R. Choudhuri, Benjamin Baird, and S. R. Gollahalli, 39th Aerospace
Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 8-11, 2001,
AIAA Paper No. 2001-1094
Effects of Indiuced Air-Flow on
In-Flame Concentrations of Radicals, Ala, R, Qubbaj and S. R. Gollahalli,
39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 8-11,
2001, AIAA Paper 2001-0782
Effects of Jet Dilution and Co-Flow on
Sooting Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Fuels, S. F. Goh, S. Kusadomi, and
S. R.Gollahalli, Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition 2001, Houston,
TX, Feb. 4-6, 2001. Paper No. ETCE2001-17014.
A Numerical and Experimental Study of
MicroThruster Performance, Ahsan R. Choudhuri, Benjamin Baird, and S. R.
Gollahalli Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition 2001, Houston, TX,
Feb. 4-6, 2001, Paper No. ETCE2001-17015.
Regimes of Submerged Gas Injection in
Liquid Co-Flow, J. Carrera, S. F. Goh, R. Parthasarathy, and S. R.
Gollahalli, 2001 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, New
Orleans, LA May 29-June 1, 2001, Paper No. FEDSM2001-18271.
An Investigation of Combustion of
Liquid Hydrocarbon Sprays in Homogeneous Mixtures of Fuel and Air, Attia,
A. Aref and S. R. Gollahalli, International Power Generation Conference,
New Orleans, LA, June 4-7, 2001, Paper No.
Effects of Cross-wind on Smoke -Point
Flow Rate of Nitrogen-Diluted Hydrocarbon Fuels, S.F. Goh, S. Kusadomi, and
S. R.Gollahalli, International Power Generation Conference, New Orleans,
LA, June 4-7, 2001, Paper No. JPGC2001/FACT-19097.
Effects of Geometry and Ambient
Pressure on Micronozzle Flow, A. R. Choudhuri, B.Baird, S. R. Gollahalli
()U), and S. Schnneider, NASA Glenn, Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt
Laske City, UT, July 2001., Paper No. AIAA-2001-3331,
ffects of Jet Dilution and Co-Flow on
Emission Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Fuels, S. Kusadomi. S. F. Goh, and
S. R. Gollahalli, Sixth International Conference on Technologies and
Combustion for A Clean Environment, Oporto, Portugal, July 9-12, 2001.
Proceedings, Vol. 1, pp. 351-357.
Global Characteristics of
Hydrogen-Hydrocarbon Composite Fuel Turbulent Jet Flames, Ahsan R.
Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli, 36th Intersociety Energy Conversion
Conference, Savannah, GA, July -Aug, 2001, Proceedings, Published by ASME,
pp. 313-318.
Effects of Flow Velocity and Dilution
on the Structure of Hydrogen-Air Slot Burner Flames, A. Aref , B. Baird,
and S. R. Gollahalli, 40th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January
14-17 2002. Paper No. AIAA 2002-1099.
Effects of Inlet Geometry on the Mixing
and Performance of Microthrusters, R. Thomas, B. Baird, A. R.
Choudhuri, and S. R. Gollahalli, 40th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and
Exhibit, January 14-17 2002. Paper No. AIAA 2002-1033.
Effects of Burner Diameter and Fuel
Type on Smoke Point and Radiation Characteristics of Diffusion Flames, S.
F. Goh, S. Kusadomi, and S. R. Gollahalli, ASME Engineering Technology
Conference on Energy, Houston TX, Feb. 4-6, 2002. Paper No. ETCE/CAE-29011.
Aspect Ratio Effects of Elliptic
Co-Flow on Turbulent Jet Flame Structures, A. R. Choudhuri, S. P. Luna, and
S. R. Gollahalli, ASME Engineering Technology Conference on Energy, Houston
TX, Feb. 4-6, 2002. Paper No. ETCE/CAE-29008
Numerical Modeling of a Turbulent Gas
Jet Flame in a Swirling Air Stream, A. R. Qubbaj, S. R. Gollahalli, J.
Villarreal, ASME Engineering Technology Conference on Energy, Houston TX,
Feb. 4-6, 2002. Paper No. ETCE/CAE-29007
Submerged Gas Injection in
Microgravity, J. Carrera, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, ASME
Engineering Technology Conference on Energy, Houston TX, Feb. 4-6, 2002.
Paper No. ETCE/CAE-29011
Effects of Cross-wind on the
Structure of Nitrogen-Diluted Propylene Flame at the Smoke Point Flow Rate,
S. F. Goh, S. Kusadomi, and S. R. Gollahalli, Sixth Asia Pacific
International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, May 20-22, 2002
Effects of Elliptical Burner Geometry
on Stability and Global Emission Characteristics of Premixed Flames, B.
Baird and S. R. Gollahalli, International Power Generation Conference,
Phoenix, AZ, June 24-28, 2002, ASME paper No. IJPGC2002-26141
A Numerical Study of the Structure of
Methane-Hydrogen Blended Fuel Turbulent Jet Flames, International Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington DC, Paper No. 20052 July
28-Aug 02, 2002.
100. Effects
of Throat Characteristics on Micronozzle Flow, A. R. Choudhuri, R. B.
Wicker, and S. R. Gollahalli, AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, St Louis,
June 24-26, 2002
101. Characteristics
of Microjet Diffusion Flames, A. R. Choudhuri, J, Camacho, R. Wicker, and
S. R. Gollahalli, Joint Propulsion Conference-Indianapolis, Paper
AIAA-2002-4019, July 7-10, 2002.
102. Computational
and Experimental Study of the Structure of Hydrocarbon-Hydrogen Turbulent
Jet Flame, A. R. Choudhuri and S. R. Gollahalli, 41st AIAA Aerospace
Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV Jan 6-9, 2003, Paper No.
103. Submerged
Gas-Injection From A Free-Standing Tube In Microgravity, R. N.
Parthasarathy, J. Carrera and S. R. Gollahalli, 41st AIAA Aerospace
Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV Jan 6-9, 2003, Paper No.
104. Effects
of Non-Axisymmetric Jet and Co-Flow on Diffusion Flames, S. R. Gollahalli,
Sathish Sankara-Chintamani, and B. Baird, Fifth Annual Conference and
Exhibition on Electric-Power 2003, Houston, TX March 4-6, 2003. Paper No.
EP03/07B -1286.
105. An
Experimental and Numerical Study of Smoke Point Diffusion Flames in A
Cross-Flow, S. F. Goh and S. R. Gollahalli, The Third International
Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Banff. Alberta, Canada,
May 26-29, 2003, pp. 336-345.
106. Numerical
Simulation of an Enhanced Swirl-Cascade Burner, A. Qubbaj and S. R.
Gollahalli, International Energy Conversion and Engineering Conference,
Portsmouth, VA, August 17-21, 2003, Paper No. AIAA-2003-5949.
107. Effects
of Aspect Ratio on Stability and Global Emission Characteristics of
Pre-Mixed Elliptical Burner Flames, B. Baird and S. R. Gollahalli,
International Energy Conversion and Engineering Conference, Portsmouth, VA,
August 17-21, 2003, Paper No. AIAA-2003-5948.
108. Effect
of Equivalence ratio and Burner Geometry on the Charactersitics of Laminar
Premixed Flames at Moderate Co-Flow, P. Haiharan and S. R. Gollahalli, ASME
Power Conference, March 30-April 1, 2004, Baltimore, MD. Paper No. PWR
109. A
Computational Study of the Evaporation Characteristics of an Air-Blast
Atomized, Kerosene Spray in Porous Media, C. Periasamy, S.
Sankara-Chintamani, S. R. Gollahalli, ASME Power Conference, March 30-April
1, 2004, Baltimore, MD. Paper PWR2004-52016.
110. Mechanism
of the Effect of Dilution with Different Inert Gases on Smoke Point of Propylene
Diffusion Flames, S. F. Goh and S. R. Gollahalli , ASME Power Conference,
March 30-April 1, 2004, Baltimore, MD.PWR2004-52134.
111. Gas
Bubble Formation From A Free-Standing Tube in Microgravity, R. N.
Parthasarathy, J. Carrera, R. Koepp, and S. R. Gollahalli, Sixth
Joint Conference of Indian Society of Heat and Mass Transfer and Am . Soc.
of Mech. Engineers, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam,
India, January 5-7, 2004, Paper No. HMT2004-C048.
112. Fuel
Jet Dilution Effects on the Sooting Characteristics of Propylene Diffusion
Flames Near the Smoke Point, S. F. Goh, and S. R. Gollahalli. 42nd AIAA
Aerospace Sciences meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 5-8, 2004.
Paper No. AIAA-2004-0642.
113. Numerical
Modeling of Evaporation Process in Porouds Media For Gas Turbine
Applications, C. Periasamy, Satish K. Sankara-Chintamani, and S. R.
Gollahalli, 42nd AIAA Srospace Sciences meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada,
January 5-8, 2004, Paper No. AIAA-2004-0139.
114. Effects
of Gravity on Bubble Formation in an Annular Jet, R. Koepp, R. N.
Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences meeting
and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 5-8, 2004. Paper No. AIAA-2004-0965.
115. Effects
of Equivalence Ratio and Burner Geometry on the Charactersitics of Laminar
Premixed Flames at Moderate Coflow, P. Hariharan and S. R. Gollahalli,
Proceedings of the ASME Power Conference, March 30-April 1, 2004,
Baltimore, MD. Paper No. ASME-PWR2004-52015.
116. A
Computational Study of the Evaporation Characteristics of an Air Blast
Atomized Kerosene Spray in Porous Media, C. Periasamy, S.
Sankara-Chintamony, and S. R. Gollahalli, Proceedings of the ASME Power
Conference, March 30-April 1, 2004, Baltimore, MD. Paper No.
117. Mechanism
of the Effect of Dilution with Different Inert Gases on Smoke Point of
Propylene Diffusion Flames, S. F. Goh and S. R. Gollahalli, Proceedings of
the ASME Power Conference, March 30-April 1, 2004, Baltimore, MD. Paper No.
118. Modeling
of Liquid Spray Evaporation in Heated Porous media with a Non-Equilibrium
Model, C. Periasamy, S. Sankara-Chintamony, and S. R. Gollahalli,
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Annaheim, CA,
November 13-19, 2004, Paper IMECE2004-61300.
119. Characteristics
of Laminar Partially Premixed Elliptic Burner Flames in Different Co-Flow
Velocity Airstreams, P.Hariharan and S. R. Gollahalli, International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Annaheim, CA, November
13-19, 2004, Paper IMECE2004-60336.
120. Spray
Impingement and Evaporation Through Porous Media, C. Periasamy, S.
Sankara-Chintamony, and S. R. Gollahalli; International TURBO-EXPO, Vienna,
Austria, June 14-17, 2004, Paper No. GT2004-53391.
121. Relative
Effects of Buoyancy and Momentum in Circular and Elliptic Burner Jet
Flames, Tracy L. Smith, B. Baird, and S. R. Gollahalli, 43rd Aerospace
Sciences Meeting , Reno, NV, Jan, 10-13, 2005, AIAA Paper No. 2005-0377.
122. Characteristics
of a Laminar Diffusion Flame in a Cross-Flow of Combustion Products: S. R.
Gollahalli, M. Simon, and B. Baird, ASME Power Conference, Chicago, IL,
April 5-7, 2005, Paper No. ASME-Power-2005-50030.
123. Flow
and Thermal Structure of Burner-Wake Stabilized Elliptic Jet Flames in a
Cross-Flow: S. R. Gollahalli: ASME Power Conference, Chicago, IL, April
5-7, 2005, Paper No. ASME-Power-2005-50029
124. Trajectory
and Pollutant Dispersal of Buoyant Horizontal Hydrocarbon Flames, T. L.
Smith, C. Periasamy, and S. R. Gollahalli, International Conference on
Incineration Thermal Treatment Technologies, Galveston, TX, May 9-13, 2005
125. Experimental
Determination of Minimum Heat Feedback for Complete Vaporization in Porous
Media Burners, C. Periasamy, S,.K. Sankara Chintamony, and S. R.
Gollahalli, 3rd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Chicago
IL, August 15-18, 2005. Paper No. AIAA-2005-5525
126. Combustion
of Environmentally Friendly Fuels in Diesel Engines, J. Erazo and S. R.
Gollahalli, 44th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno Nevada, Paper No. AIAA
2006-0772, 2006
127. A
Parametric Simulation of the Evaporation in Liquid-Fueled Burners, C.
Periasamy and S. R. Gollahalli, ASME Power Conference, Atlanta, GA May 2-5,
2006, Paper No. PWR2006-88016.
128. Effects
of Temperature and Hydroxyl Radical Concentration Distributions on
Emissions pf Partially Premixed Flames from Elliptical Burners, B. Baird
and S. R. Gollahalli, 2006 Turbo Expo, Barcelona, Spain, Paper No.
GT2006-90065, 2006.
129. Laminar
Burning Velocity Measurements of Synthetic Gas Premixed Flames Near
Extinction Conditions, Norman Love, C. Periasamy, S. R. Gollahalli, and
Ahsan Choudhuri, 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering
Conference, San-Diego, CA , Paper No. AIAA-2006-4122, 2006.
130. Reduction
of Pollutant Emissions of Elliptic Partially Premixed Flames in Co-Flow, P.
Hariharan, C. Periasamy, and S. R. Gollahalli, The Second International
Green Energy Conference, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, June 25-29, 2006.
131. Flame
Structure of Propylene Smoke Point Cross-Flow Diffusion Flame: S. F.
Goh, C. Periasamy, International Mechanical Engineering Conference and
Exhibition, Chicago, IL , November 2006
132. Co-Flow
Effects on Pollutant Emissions of Partially Premixed Flames of
Hydrogen-Propane Blends, S. Sankara, C. Periasamy, and S. R. Gollahalli,
International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exhibition, Chicago, IL
, November 2006.
133. Stability
and Structure of Elliptic Partially Premixed Flames Using Planar Laser
Induced Fluorescence, B. Baird, C. Periasamy, and S. R. Gollahalli,
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Chennai,
India, December 14-16, 2006.
134. S.
R. Gollahalli, "Co-firing of Coal Blends with Gas Jet Flames,"
Electric Power Conference, Rosemont, IL, May 1-3, 2007
135. J.
A. Erazo, A. Sequera, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli,
"Comparison of Spray Characteristics of Bio-diesel and Diesel
Fuels,"5th International Energy Conversion Conference and
Exhibition," St. Louis, MO Jun 225-27, 2007, AIAA Paper No. 2007-4816
136. N.
D. Love , R. Parthasarathy , and S. R. Gollahalli, "Radiation, Soot
and NO Emissions of Petroleum Diesel and Bio-Diesel Fuels,"5th
International Energy Conversion Conference and Exhibition," St. Louis,
MO Jun 225-27, 2007, AIAA Paper No. 2007-4792.
137. Chendhil
Periasamy and S. R. Gollahalli, "Lean Extinction Characteristics of
Kerosene Spray Flames in Porous Media," 5th International Energy
Conversion Conference and Exhibition," St. Louis, MO Jun 225-27, 2007,
AIAA Paper No. 2007-4814
138. C.
Periasamy, A. Saboonchi, and S. R. Gollahalli, "Numerical Predictions
of Evaporation Enhancement in Porous Media Combustors," ASME Computers
and Information Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, September 4-7, 2007,
AIAA Paper No. 34672
139. Norman
D. Love, B. Goepfert, Parthasarathy, R. N. and Gollahalli, S. R. "A
Method for the Rapid Characterization of Combustion Properties of Liquid
Biofuels Using a Tubular Burner," International Mechanical Engineering
Conference and Exhibition, Seattle, WA, Paper No. IMECE-42112, November
11-15, 2007
140. S.
K. Sankara-Chinthamony, C. Periasamy, and S. R. Gollahalli,"Stability
and Global Emission Characteristics of Elliptic Burner Diffusion Flames in
Elliptic Co-flow," 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Jan 8-11,
Reno, NV. AIAA Paper No. 2007-599, 2007.
141. A.
Aref and S. R. Gollahalli, “Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging
of OH and CH Radical Concentrations in Natural Gas-Air Diffusion Flames,”
Sixth Jordanian International Mechanical Engineering Conference (JIMEC’6),
Amman, Jordan, October 22-24, 2007.
142. C.
Periasamy, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, “Rapid
Characterization of Radiation and Pollution Properties of Liquid Biofuels,”
Second International Conference on Resource Utilization and Intelligent
Systems, Erode, Tamilnadu, India, January 2-5, 2008.
143. N.
Love, R. Parthasarathy, S. Gollahalli, and B. Goepfort, “Comparison of
Soot, Temperature, and Radiation in Petroleum-Diesel and Bio-Diesel flames”
46th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno NV, January 7-10, 2008, Paper No.
AIAA 2008-1139.
144. P.
Barajas and S. R. Gollahalli, “ Effect of Burner Exit Reynolds Number on
Radiation and Pollutant Emission Characteristics of Square and Triangular
Burner Flames, 10th Annual Electric Power Conference and Exhibition,
Baltimore, May 6-8, 2008
145. C.
Periasamy and S. R. Gollahalli, “ Reduction of Pollutant Emissions from
Kerosene Spray Flames Using Inert-Carbon-Carbon Porous Media,” 10th Annual
Electric Power Conference and Exhibition, Baltimore, May 6-8, 2008.
146. J.
Erazo, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli “Measurements of
Atomization Characteristics, Global Emissions, and Temperature in Bio-diesel
and Diesel Fuels Spray Flames,” Paper No. 2008-66225, International
Mechanical Engineering Conference, Boston ,MA November 2-6, 2008
147. Z.
Habib, R. Parthasarathy, and S. Gollahalli, “Effects of Biodiesel on the
Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Small Scale Gas Turbine,”
47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL., January 5-8, 2009,
Paper No. AIAA-2009-0827
148. N.
Love, R. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli,” Temperature and OH Radical
Concentration Fields in the Laminar Flames of Biodiesel and Petroleum
Fuels,” 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL., January 5-8,
2009, Paper No. AIAA-2009-0829.
149. J.
Erazo, S. R. Gollahalli, and R. Parthasarathy, “Performance of Canola
Methyl Ester Biofuel in a Partial Swirl Spray Flame Combustor,” ASME Power
Conference, Albuquerque, NM, July 21-23, 2009, Paper No. ASME
150. Z.
Habib, N. D. Love, R.N. Parthasarathy and S. R. Gollahalli,
“Performance and Emissions Characteristics of a Small Scale Gas
Turbine Using Rape Seed and Hog-Fat Biofuels,” 19th ISABE (International
Society for Airbreathing Engines,”, Montreal, CA, September 7-11,
151. A. J. Sequera, R. N. Parthasarathy and S.
R. Gollahalli, “Effect of Fuel Injection Timing in the Combustion of
Biofuels in a Diesel Engine,” International Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, Denver, Colorado, August 2009.
152. Jaime A. Erazo Jr., R.N. Parthasarathy,
and S. R. Gollahalli Atomization Characteristics, Global Emissions,
and temperature in BioFuel and Petroleum Fuel Spray Flames,
International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Lake Buena Vista,
FL, November 2009.
153. Combustion Properties of Turbulent Canola
Methyl Ester and Diesel Flames: N. Dhamale, B. Goepfort, R. Parthasarathy,
and S. R. Gollahalli, 48th Aerospace Sciences meeting, Orlando, Fl. 4-7
January 2010, Paper No. AIAA/2010/1354.
154. Numerical Prediction of NO in
Laminar Partially-Premixed Fuel-Rich Biofuel Flames: N. D. Love, , R. N.
Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint
Propulsion/8th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
Nashville, TN, July 25-28. 2010; Paper No. AIAA-2010-6703.
155. Effects of Equivalence ratio on Emissions
and Radiation from Laminar Partially Premixed Flames of Petroleum-Biofuel
Blends, V. Singh, R., S. R. Gollahalli and R.N. Parthasarathy,, 46th
AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion/8th International Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, Nashville, TN, July 25-28. 2010; Paper No.
156. Measurement of Drag Coefficients of
Evaporating and Burning Liquid Biofuel Droplets: D.M. Martinez, R.
N.Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint
Propulsion/8th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
Nashville, TN, July 25-28. 2010; Paper No. AIAA-2010-6705.
157. Combustion Characteristics of Bio-Fuels in
Porous Media Burners: P.E. Barrajas, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R.
Gollahalli, Third ECI Conference on t Porous Media and Its
Applications in Science and Engineering, Montecatini, Italy, June 20-25,
2010. Proceedings of American Physical Society, No. 1254, Editor: Kambiz
Vafai, pp.163-168.
158. Combustion Characteristics of Spray Flames
of Soy Methyl Ester and Diesel Blends, C. Aldana, R. Parthasarathy, and S.
R. Gollahalli, 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Fl. Paper No. AIAA-2011-0618.
159. Performance and Emission Characteristics
of Alcohol/Jet A Blends in a Small-Scale Gas Turbine Engine, C. Mendez, R.
Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting,
Orlando, Fl. Paper No. AIAA-2011-0619.
160. Physical and Combustion Properties of
Biofuels and Biofuel Blends with Petroleum Fuels, M. Grisanti. R.
Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, The International Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA July 31-Aug 3, Paper No.
AIAA-2011-6012, 2011.
161. Combustion Characteristics of Pool Fires
of Biofuels and Their Blends with Diesel Fuel, V. Tran, C. Morton, R.
Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, The International Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA July 31-Aug 3, Paper No.
AIAA-2011-6013, 2011.
162. Performance and Emission Characteristics
of Propanol/Jet A Blends in a Small –Scale Gas Turbine Engine, C. Mendez,
R. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, International Mechanical
Engineering Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, November 12-16, 2011
163. Combustion Properties of Spray Flames of
Canola Methyl Ester and Diesel Blends, C. Aldana, R. Parthasarathy, and S.
R. Gollahalli, International Mechanical Engineering Conference and
Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, November 12-16, 2011
164. Sooting and Thermal Characteristics of
Laminar Partially Premixed Flames of Petroleum Diesel-Canola Methyl Ester
Blends, 22nd National Conference on
IC Engines and Combustion, NIT-Calicut, Kerala, India: 10-13 December,
Paper No: 2-001, 2011
165. Performance and Emission Characteristics
of a Small-Scale Gas Turbine Fueled with Ethanol/Jet A Blends, 50th
Aerospace Sciences meeting, Nashville, TN, January 9-12, Paper No.
AIAA-2012-0522, 2012.
166. Combustion Characteristics of Pool Fires
of Biofuel/Jet A Blends, V. Tran, C. Morton, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, 10th
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), Kuly
30-August 1, 2012, Atlanta, GA, AIAA Paper No. AIAA-2012-3723, 2012.
167. Combustion Properties of Spray Flames of
Butanol/Jet A Blends at a Lean Global Equivalence Ratio, T. Ratul, R. N.
Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, 10th International Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference (IECEC), July 30-August 1, 2012, Atlanta, GA, AIAA
Paper No. AIAA-2012-3720, 2012.
168. Measurement of Flame Extinction Limits of
Propane and Jet A Fuel , M. Grisanti, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R.
Gollahalli, International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exhibition
(IMECE), Houston, TX, November 9-15, 20, Paper No. IMECE-2012-86040, 2012.
169. Effect of Equivalence Ratio on the
Emission and Temperature Characteristics of Spray Flames of Jet A/Butanol
Blends under Lean Conditions, T. Ratul, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R.
Gollahalli, International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exhibition
(IMECE), Houston, TX, November 9-15, 20, Paper No. IMECE-2012-86039, 2012.
170. Combustion Characteristics of Petroleum
and Biofuel Spray Flames in a
Furnace, C. Morton, V.Tran, R. N. Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, 51st
Aerospace Sciences Conference, Grapevine, TX , January 2013
171. Experimental Investigation of Flame
Extinction Limits of Canola and So-Methyl Ester, M. Grisanti, R. N.
Parthasarathy, and S. R. Gollahalli, 51st Aerospace Sciences Conference,
Grapevine, TX , January 20
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